“The doors swung back outwards and almost settled to a stop.  Before they had entirely stopped moving they opened again, violently, outwards.  Something sailed across the sidewalk and landed in the gutter between two parked cars.  It landed on its hands and knees and made a high keening noise like a cornered rat.  It got up slowly, retrieved a hat and stepped back onto the sidewalk.  It was a thin, narrow-shouldered brown youth in a lilac colored suit and a carnation.  It had slick black hair.  It kept its mouth open and whined for a moment.  People stared at it vaguely.  Then it settled its hat jauntily, sidled over to the wall and walked silently splay-footed off along the block.Silence.  Traffic resumed.  I walked along to the double doors and stood in front of them.  They were motionless now.  It wasn’t any of my business.  So I pushed them open and looked in

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