SextPanther (For Models)
Models! This is a quick tips and tricks post for SextPanther. If you have not yet signed up for SextPanther, take this as your sign from the universe to do it today. It takes a day or two to be approved, and the application is one of the easiest I’ve used. If you sign up, please use my referral link here.
I have an e-book that I give away without charge if you sign up using my referral code, or take my online SP class. If you are new to sex work, you won’t be approved for SextPanther right away. They require an established social media presence OR established following on other adult platforms. The good news is, even if you aren’t approved at first, you can apply again and multiple times. Sometimes it only takes a short while to build a bit of a Twitter following and if you use my referral code, often times your approval process goes more smoothly. Because their main requirement is that you have some sort of established following, if you get that following first on any of the sites they mention, then you will be approved.

SextPanther gives you the option to charge for your phone number, or to make it free. This is not your real phone number! You can find your SP phone number on your profile once you have your profile established. It’s a number that SextPanther relays calls and texts through.
I recommend making your number free. Customers must pay to message you, but you want them to add your number to their list for free.
Sextpanther is a powerful web-based platform that works both on your phone through SMS texting, on your browser, and through the SP app. Messages populate all three if you let them. The browser version is the one that is easiest and most efficient to use, mainly because you have the option of easily uploading from your computer with the function of a mouse and keyboard. SextPanther has recently improved its app and its site in many ways – from loading times, to message speeds, to new features that help make money easier. The bulk of your interactions will be sexting and sending media messages. Phone and Video are also possible.
Fill out your profile fully. Add as many photos in the gallery as are allowed. Pro Tip: Switch up those photos, including your main photo – every 2 or 3 days / times you are on SP. Check your profile and links by viewing your profile without being signed in as a provider. Make sure everything looks good. Is there a photo you meant to be a paid photo, but is actually viewable as a free photo? Does a link not work?
When you make content, always think about what your strengths are, what your assets are, and what your limits are. This is a huge subject and is covered in my other workshops. I offer quite a few resources for sex workers on my website where there’s a section specifically designed for SW resources and classes (
Both my SextPanther – How To Make Money Online, a 30 page E-book, and full video class can be purchased here:
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